Friday, September 5, 2014

My experience with writing

Writing is representing language in visible or tactile form. Since a young child, teachers have implemented in our heads that reading and writing can help you be a successful student. I couldn't agree more with our education system because strength in the English subject is a very helpful tool later in life. Personally, I love writing. The system and process of writing a paper takes a lot of steps and organization. These steps are important to me because writing isn't just about one right or wrong question. It is about taking your time to realize where you can improve in your writing and re-writing your essay over and over again, in order to put out your best work. As a college student, I hate being narrowed down on what I have to write about. This leaves me very stressed and may lead to a disappointing paper because I don't have much interest in writing it. If the professor gives many options to choose from, than I couldn't ask for anymore from him/her. I believe that interest in writing a paper is a key for success. Sometimes I like to compare writing to playing a sport. If a person has no respect or no interest in a sport, do you think they will ever be successful? An example of this is when a parent takes his child for his/her first sporting practice. The parents have no idea if their kids will enjoy it but they take them anyway. This is just like writing because if the professor just throws a random topic for us to write about, than we don't have any other option other than just to simply write about that topic. Interest and passion for something is so powerful in every aspect of life.  +

1 comment:

  1. 95. Good post. Watch your language though. Some errors.
