Friday, September 12, 2014

My Major

As a second year student, I just declared my major. I have decided to take on and pursue a degree in Finance. One reason that I believe I could be successful in this field is because my father has a lot of experience in it. He currently works on Wall Street and I want to follow his foot steps. I love working with numbers and people. In Finance, it is very important to have a strong relationships with stockholders. Therefore, my skills in the field and my communication with others could help me build my way up in a firm or buisness. Although I know what I want to do now, I had a close-minded attitude when I first came to college. I didn't believe that I was mature enough to make a decision on what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. With this being said, my parents were a huge influence on my choice. We all sat down at the dinner table and discussed what I was good at and what i would be happy doing. Finance was ulitimately the final decision and I can't wait to see where the process takes me. Writing isn't really associated with Finance, but sometimes it is necessary. An example of this is when a buisnessman has to write about buisness loans or FICO scores. This major requires a lot of hard work and dedication in order for a high success rate. I can't wait to take on the challenege and make it to Wall Street.

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