Sunday, October 26, 2014

Techniques I have Learned

Over the year, I have learned and used plenty of techniques and bits of advice that have been taught. One of the most important lessons that I needed to learn was that brainstorming is a huge and necessary step in the writing process. I explore and make a web of all the possible subjects that I might be talking about and build everything off of each other. This step is very helpful for me because it helps me think out my ideas and thoughts before actually writing my paper. This also creates flow and unity in my writing. After I put all my ideas on a web, it makes it very easy to write my outline. The outline is a huge part of a writing process that can either make you or break you. A well thought out outline could make writing the actual paper a breeze because everything is laid out I front of you. On the other hand, a lazy and incomplete outline will help serve no purpose when actually writing the paper. My least favorite piece of advice from the year doesn't exist. I believe that every thing  I learn is worth my time because its all about the perspective you look at it. If the teacher thinks it is worth mentioning, than I should probably listen whether I agree or disagree. Overall, I believe that Eng. 101 has served and influenced my writing skills drastically. I don't just get an assignment and start writing my paper. I am now very mature about the process and I use simple steps and lessons to further better my writing. 

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