Saturday, November 29, 2014

Paper run-thru experience

The paper run-thru experience is definitely worth the time for students. I believe that this is a great opportunity for students because it helps us realize how organization and brainstorming could ultimately help us write the best possible essay we are capable of. I have learned that it shouldn't take 5 minutes to find a thesis statement, it should almost take up to an hour. Writing a mind map and exploring every possible route to write a topic will help specialize your thesis. Also, researching is a huge step in the paper run-thru process because this is a step that most students put the least amount of effort in. The run-thru helps this process because it makes us think about which and why the resources are the ones we chose. There are so many different types of resources that we could use and the paper run-thru helps us think outside the box. This has helped me immensely because I have realized that rushing to find a thesis will only make my essay worse. Also, it takes a lot longer to write the essay if you have an undeveloped thesis statement. If there was one thing I would change about this assignment, it would be to actually find sources. Instead of just saying what source we will find, we should actually show you a source.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Of Mice and Men

The best book I believe that I have ever read is Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. The book consists of two main characters, George and Lenny. They are two migrant workers who are about to start work on a farm. Lenny has a mild mental disability and seems to be very dependent on George for survival. Of Mice and Men teaches an important lesson of human isolation and loneliness. The characters in this book are very insecure at times and will build their self-esteem by killing other's. An example of this is when Crooks puts down Lennies dream of a farm because he cannot do anything with George. Crooks is a lonely, black man with a crooked back. He uses his misery to put down Lennie because he knows he can. The reason I love this book so much is because the idea of true friendship. These two men protect each other and protect their dream, together. They ultimately get so close that you can almost consider them as two brothers. Eventually the friendship vanishes and one of them is dead. I love the ending to this book because it really shows you how quick things could turn. Everyday is a new day and we need to appreciate it. I almost lost my best friend to a drug addiction last year and I realized that life could be taken from the young. This book and my life experience prove a lesson to me and make me look at life a different way.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Techniques I have Learned

Over the year, I have learned and used plenty of techniques and bits of advice that have been taught. One of the most important lessons that I needed to learn was that brainstorming is a huge and necessary step in the writing process. I explore and make a web of all the possible subjects that I might be talking about and build everything off of each other. This step is very helpful for me because it helps me think out my ideas and thoughts before actually writing my paper. This also creates flow and unity in my writing. After I put all my ideas on a web, it makes it very easy to write my outline. The outline is a huge part of a writing process that can either make you or break you. A well thought out outline could make writing the actual paper a breeze because everything is laid out I front of you. On the other hand, a lazy and incomplete outline will help serve no purpose when actually writing the paper. My least favorite piece of advice from the year doesn't exist. I believe that every thing  I learn is worth my time because its all about the perspective you look at it. If the teacher thinks it is worth mentioning, than I should probably listen whether I agree or disagree. Overall, I believe that Eng. 101 has served and influenced my writing skills drastically. I don't just get an assignment and start writing my paper. I am now very mature about the process and I use simple steps and lessons to further better my writing. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Lucifer Principle

In the section, "How Hatred Builds the Walls of Society's Bungalow," Howard Bloom explains that hatred, frustration, anger, hostility, and jealousy are the building blocks of nature. As a 19 year old kid, I could relate to this notion because I have seen it throughout my life. On a macrocosmic level, this is very common throughout men. Men take their roles in groups and build networks in order to become more powerful. They clash with other groups because they know that they need others to achieve the best status possible. These group develop into super social organisms and try to overpower any other group at whatever cost. We are preprogrammed by natural selection to be savage and brutal. On the other hand, the microcosmic aspect of this chapter includes every person in the world. People are always looking to be better than the person next to them. This is illustrated in school, jobs, sports, etc. Anger and jealousy are building blocks for success because they emotions motivate people to work a little harder in order to raise their social status. An example of this is on the soccer field. There is usually resentment when a player is starting or playing more than you. This leads to players working harder in the offseason because they understand that they need to work if they ever want that starting spot. I love this chapter of the book because I could relate to it so much. I am constantly always looking at the person next to me and wondering what I need to do to be better than them.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bertrand Russell Reflection

Bertrand Russell was a British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian and political activist. All of his commandments have to do with the idea that he is a liberal. I believe this illustrates how he is very biased and doesn't have any conservative commandments. The first commandment says, " Do not feel absolutely certain of anything". This has to do with the idea of being a liberal because change is always constant and people sometimes break the rules. This is very true in most aspects of life, but sometimes is not what always happens. You cant always be certain of anything because you never know if you will be alive the next minute. This is pretty dark, but it is simply just life. Commandment #4 says, " When you meet with opposition, even if it should be from your husband or children, endeavor to overcome it by argument and not by authority, for a victory dependent upon authority is unreal and illusory". This is definitely a liberal opinion because it goes against everything in society. It is known and expected that you respect and listen to your elders. Russell is arguing against this rule in society by saying to stand and argue with what you believe in because authority or age shouldn't constitute the winner of the argument. I chose these two commandments because they go against what society believes. At first it seems crazy, but when you put thought into what he says, it all starts making sense.   

Friday, September 19, 2014

Paper #1 Reflection

The process of writing the paper was both a great learning experience and a long, thoughtful journey. One difficult part of the writing was process trying not to summarize. I seemed to really struggle in persuading people without letting them know a majority of what happened in the movie. The movie Miracle  is based off of a true story, so I wanted to include the important parts. Another thing that I thought was difficult was making my outline. I was constantly repeating what I wrote in my introduction and I knew that the flow of my paper was going to be off. I usually don't write that big of introductions and I feel like I gave away too much information in the beginning of my paper. I conducted my research on the internet and found a quote to connect the movie with my life. The end result of the paper did not turn out how I thought it would because I ended up connecting the movie with my life more than persuading someone to watch the movie. I unfortunately mixed up the topic at hand and my best effort was not showed. Time management skills need to be improved for me and I think I will write a thorough and better paper. Another part that I wasn't too fond about was how much I knew about the movie. Since I had so much knowledge with the movie, I felt I wrote too much about it. Our next paper will benefit me because I will have selected a topic that I know very little about, which will require me to do more research.

Friday, September 12, 2014

My Major

As a second year student, I just declared my major. I have decided to take on and pursue a degree in Finance. One reason that I believe I could be successful in this field is because my father has a lot of experience in it. He currently works on Wall Street and I want to follow his foot steps. I love working with numbers and people. In Finance, it is very important to have a strong relationships with stockholders. Therefore, my skills in the field and my communication with others could help me build my way up in a firm or buisness. Although I know what I want to do now, I had a close-minded attitude when I first came to college. I didn't believe that I was mature enough to make a decision on what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. With this being said, my parents were a huge influence on my choice. We all sat down at the dinner table and discussed what I was good at and what i would be happy doing. Finance was ulitimately the final decision and I can't wait to see where the process takes me. Writing isn't really associated with Finance, but sometimes it is necessary. An example of this is when a buisnessman has to write about buisness loans or FICO scores. This major requires a lot of hard work and dedication in order for a high success rate. I can't wait to take on the challenege and make it to Wall Street.

Friday, September 5, 2014

My experience with writing

Writing is representing language in visible or tactile form. Since a young child, teachers have implemented in our heads that reading and writing can help you be a successful student. I couldn't agree more with our education system because strength in the English subject is a very helpful tool later in life. Personally, I love writing. The system and process of writing a paper takes a lot of steps and organization. These steps are important to me because writing isn't just about one right or wrong question. It is about taking your time to realize where you can improve in your writing and re-writing your essay over and over again, in order to put out your best work. As a college student, I hate being narrowed down on what I have to write about. This leaves me very stressed and may lead to a disappointing paper because I don't have much interest in writing it. If the professor gives many options to choose from, than I couldn't ask for anymore from him/her. I believe that interest in writing a paper is a key for success. Sometimes I like to compare writing to playing a sport. If a person has no respect or no interest in a sport, do you think they will ever be successful? An example of this is when a parent takes his child for his/her first sporting practice. The parents have no idea if their kids will enjoy it but they take them anyway. This is just like writing because if the professor just throws a random topic for us to write about, than we don't have any other option other than just to simply write about that topic. Interest and passion for something is so powerful in every aspect of life.  +